A guide to testing Crux apps


One of the most compelling consequences of the Crux architecture is that it becomes trivial to comprehensively test your application. This is because the core is pure and therefore completely deterministic — all the side effects are pushed to the shell.

It's straightforward to write an exhaustive set of unit tests that give you complete confidence in the correctness of your application code — you can test the behavior of your application independently of platform-specific UI and API calls.

There is no need to mock/stub anything, and there is no need to write integration tests.

Not only are the unit tests easy to write, but they run extremely quickly, and can be run in parallel.

For example, the Notes example app contains complex logic related to collaborative text-editing using Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs). The test suite consists of 25 tests that give us high coverage and high confidence of correctness. Many of the tests include instantiating two instances (alice and bob) and checking that, even during complex edits, the synchronization between them works correctly.

This test, for example, ensures that when Alice and Bob both insert text at the same time, they both end up with the same result. It runs in 4 milliseconds.

fn two_way_sync() {
    let (mut alice, mut bob) = make_alice_and_bob();

    let edits = alice.edits.drain(0..).collect::<Vec<_>>();


    // Alice's inserts should go in front of Bob's cursor
    // so we break the ambiguity of same cursor position
    // as quickly as possible
    bob.update(Event::Insert("Hello ".to_string()));
    let edits = bob.edits.drain(0..).collect::<Vec<_>>();


    let alice_view = alice.view();
    let bob_view = bob.view();

    assert_eq!(alice_view.text, "Hello world".to_string());
    assert_eq!(alice_view.text, bob_view.text);

And the full suite of 25 tests runs in 16 milliseconds.

cargo nextest run --release -p shared
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.07s
    Starting 25 tests across 2 binaries
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::editing_tests::handles_emoji
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::editing_tests::removes_character_before_cursor
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::editing_tests::moves_cursor
        PASS [   0.006s] shared app::editing_tests::inserts_text_at_cursor_and_renders
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::editing_tests::removes_selection_on_backspace
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::editing_tests::removes_character_after_cursor
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::editing_tests::removes_selection_on_delete
        PASS [   0.007s] shared app::editing_tests::changes_selection
        PASS [   0.006s] shared app::editing_tests::renders_text_and_cursor
        PASS [   0.006s] shared app::editing_tests::replaces_empty_range_and_renders
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::editing_tests::replaces_range_and_renders
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::note::test::splices_text
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::editing_tests::replaces_selection_and_renders
        PASS [   0.004s] shared app::save_load_tests::opens_a_document
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::note::test::inserts_text
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::save_load_tests::saves_document_when_typing_stops
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::save_load_tests::starts_a_timer_after_an_edit
        PASS [   0.006s] shared app::save_load_tests::creates_a_document_if_it_cant_open_one
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::sync_tests::concurrent_clean_edits
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::sync_tests::concurrent_conflicting_edits
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::sync_tests::one_way_sync
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::sync_tests::remote_delete_moves_cursor
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::sync_tests::remote_insert_behind_cursor
        PASS [   0.004s] shared app::sync_tests::two_way_sync
        PASS [   0.005s] shared app::sync_tests::receiving_own_edits
     Summary [   0.016s] 25 tests run: 25 passed, 0 skipped

Writing a simple test

Crux provides a simple test harness that we can use to write unit tests for our application code. Strictly speaking it's not needed, but it makes it easier to avoid boilerplate and to write tests that are easy to read and understand.

Let's take a really simple test from the Notes example app and walk through it step by step — the test replaces some selected text in a document and checks that the correct text is rendered.

    fn replaces_selection_and_renders() {
        let app = NoteEditor::default();

        let mut model = Model {
            note: Note::with_text("hello"),
            cursor: TextCursor::Selection(3..5),

        let event = Event::Insert("ter skelter".to_string());
        let mut cmd = app.update(event, &mut model);
        assert_effect!(cmd, Effect::Render(_));

        let view = app.view(&model);

        assert_eq!(view.text, "helter skelter".to_string());
        assert_eq!(view.cursor, TextCursor::Position(14));

The first thing to do is create an instance of our app (NoteEditor) and set it up with a model for our test. In this case the document contains the string "hello" with the last two characters selected.

Let's insert some text under the selection range. We simply create an Event that captures the user's action and pass it into the app's update() method, along with the Model we just created (which we will be able to inspect afterwards).

let event = Event::Insert("ter skelter".to_string());
let mut cmd = app.update(event, &mut model);


The update() method we called above does not take a Capabilities argument. It is actually our own update() method that we delegate to in the NoteEditor app.

    fn update(
        event: Self::Event,
        model: &mut Self::Model,
        _caps: &Self::Capabilities,
    ) -> Command<Effect, Event> {
        // delegate to our own update method for testing. This will not be necessary
        // once the `App` trait has been modified to remove the `caps` parameter.
        self.update(event, model)

Once the migration to the new Command API is complete, the signature of this method wil be changed in the App trait and this delegation will no longer be required.

We can check that the shell was asked to render by using the assert_effect! macro, which panics if none of the effects generated by the update matches the specified pattern.

assert_effect!(cmd, Effect::Render(_));

Finally we can ask the app for its ViewModel and use it to check that the text was inserted correctly and that the cursor position was updated.

let view = app.view(&model);

assert_eq!(view.text, "helter skelter".to_string());
assert_eq!(view.cursor, TextCursor::Position(14));

Writing a more complicated test

Now let's take a more complicated test and walk through that.

    fn starts_a_timer_after_an_edit() {
        let app = NoteEditor::default();

        let mut model = Model {
            note: Note::with_text("hello"),
            cursor: TextCursor::Selection(2..4),

        // An edit should trigger a timer
        let event = Event::Insert("something".to_string());
        let mut cmd1 = app.update(event, &mut model);
        let mut requests = cmd1.effects().filter_map(Effect::into_timer);

        let request = requests.next().unwrap();
        let (first_id, duration) = match &request.operation {
            TimeRequest::NotifyAfter { id, duration } => (id.clone(), duration),
            _ => panic!("expected a NotifyAfter"),
        assert_eq!(duration, &Duration::from_secs(1).unwrap());

        drop(requests); // so we can use cmd1 later

        // Before the timer fires, insert another character, which should
        // cancel the timer and start a new one
        let mut cmd2 = app.update(Event::Replace(1, 2, "a".to_string()), &mut model);
        let mut requests = cmd2.effects().filter_map(Effect::into_timer);

        // but first, the original request (cmd1) should resolve with a clear
        let cancel_request = cmd1
        let cancel_id = match &cancel_request.operation {
            TimeRequest::Clear { id } => id.clone(),
            _ => panic!("expected a Clear"),
        assert_eq!(cancel_id, first_id);

        // request to start the second timer
        let mut start_request = requests.next().unwrap();
        let second_id = match &start_request.operation {
            TimeRequest::NotifyAfter { id, duration: _ } => id.clone(),
            _ => panic!("expected a NotifyAfter"),

        assert_ne!(first_id, second_id);


        // Time passes

            .resolve(TimeResponse::DurationElapsed { id: second_id })

        // One more edit. Should result in a timer, but not in cancellation
        let mut cmd3 = app.update(Event::Backspace, &mut model);
        let mut timer_requests = cmd3.effects().filter_map(Effect::into_timer);

        let start_request = timer_requests.next().unwrap();
        let third_id = match &start_request.operation {
            TimeRequest::NotifyAfter { id, duration: _ } => id.clone(),
            _ => panic!("expected a NotifyAfter"),

        assert_ne!(third_id, second_id);

This test checks that a "save" timer is restarted each time the user edits the document (after a second of no activity the document is stored). We will use the Time capability to manage this. Note that the actual timer is run by the shell (because it is a side effect, which would make it really tricky to test) — but all we need to do is check that the behavior of the timer is correct (i.e. started, finished and cancelled correctly).

Again, the first thing we need to do is create an instance of our app (NoteEditor), supply a model to represent our starting state, and analyze the Events and Effects that are generated.

We send an Event (e.g. raised in response to a user action) into our app in order to check that it does the right thing.

Here we send an Insert event, which should start a timer. We filter out just the Effects that were created by the Time Capability, mapping them to their inner Request<TimeRequest> type.

let event = Event::Insert("something".to_string());
let mut cmd1 = app.update(event, &mut model);
let mut requests = cmd1.effects().filter_map(Effect::into_timer);

There are a few things to discuss here. Firstly, the update() method returns a Command, which gives us access to the Events and Effects. We are only interested in the Effects, so we call effects() to consume them as an Iterator. Secondly, we use the filter_map() method to filter out just the Effects that were created by the Time Capability, using Effect::into_timer to map the Effects to their inner Request<TimeRequest>.

The Effect derive macro generates filters and maps for each capability that we are using. So if our Capabilities struct looked like this...

#[cfg_attr(feature = "typegen", derive(crux_core::macros::Export))]
pub struct Capabilities {
    timer: Time<Event>,
    render: Render<Event>,
    pub_sub: PubSub<Event>,
    key_value: KeyValue<Event>,

... we would get the following filters and filter_maps:

// filters
Effect::is_timer(&self) -> bool
Effect::is_render(&self) -> bool
Effect::is_pub_sub(&self) -> bool
Effect::is_key_value(&self) -> bool
// filter_maps
Effect::into_timer(self) -> Option<Request<TimeRequest>>
Effect::into_render(self) -> Option<Request<RenderOperation>>
Effect::into_pub_sub(self) -> Option<Request<PubSubOperation>>
Effect::into_key_value(self) -> Option<Request<KeyValueOperation>>

We want to check that the first request is a NotifyAfter operation, and that the timer is set to fire in 1000 milliseconds. So let's do a pattern match and assign the id to a local variable called first_id, which we'll use later. Finally, we don't expect any more timer requests to have been generated.

let request = requests.next().unwrap();
let (first_id, duration) = match &request.operation {
    TimeRequest::NotifyAfter { id, duration } => (id.clone(), duration),
    _ => panic!("expected a NotifyAfter"),
assert_eq!(duration, &Duration::from_secs(1).unwrap());


There are other ways to analyze effects from the update.

You can take all the effects that match a predicate out of the update:

let mut requests = cmd2.effects().filter(|effect| effect.is_timer());
// or
let mut requests = cmd2.effects().filter(Effect::is_timer);

Or you can filter and map at the same time:

let mut requests = cmd2.effects().filter_map(Effect::into_timer);

There are also expect_* methods that allow you to assert and return a certain type of effect:

let request = cmd.expect_one_effect().expect_render();

At this point the shell would start the timer (this is something the core can't do as it is a side effect) and so we need to tell the app that it was created. We do this by "resolving" the request.

Remember that Requests either resolve zero times (fire-and-forget, e.g. for Render), once (request/response, e.g. for Http), or many times (for streams, e.g. Sse — Server-Sent Events). The Time capability falls into the "request/response" category, so at some point, we should resolve the NotifyAfter request with a DurationElapsed response.

However, before the timer fires, we'll insert another character, which should cancel the existing timer (still on cmd1) and start a new one (on cmd2).

let mut cmd2 = app.update(Event::Replace(1, 2, "a".to_string()), &mut model);
let mut requests = cmd2.effects().filter_map(Effect::into_timer);

// but first, the original request (cmd1) should resolve with a clear
let cancel_request = cmd1
let cancel_id = match &cancel_request.operation {
    TimeRequest::Clear { id } => id.clone(),
    _ => panic!("expected a Clear"),
assert_eq!(cancel_id, first_id);

In the real world, time passes and the timer fires, but all we have to do is to resolve our start request again, but this time with a DurationElapsed response.

    .resolve(TimeResponse::DurationElapsed { id: second_id })

Another edit should result in another timer, but not in a cancellation:

// One more edit. Should result in a timer, but not in cancellation
let mut cmd3 = app.update(Event::Backspace, &mut model);
let mut timer_requests = cmd3.effects().filter_map(Effect::into_timer);

let start_request = timer_requests.next().unwrap();
let third_id = match &start_request.operation {
    TimeRequest::NotifyAfter { id, duration: _ } => id.clone(),
    _ => panic!("expected a NotifyAfter"),

assert_ne!(third_id, second_id);

Note that this test was not about testing whether the model was updated correctly (that is covered in other tests) so we don't call the app's view() method — it's just about checking that the timer is started, cancelled and restarted correctly.