Hello world

As the first step, we will build a simple application, starting with a classic Hello World, adding some state, and finally a remote API call. We will focus on the core, rely on tests to tell us things work, and return to the shell a little later, so unfortunately there won't be much to see until then.

If you want to follow along, you should start by following the Shared core and types, guide to set up the project.

Creating an app


You can find the full code for this part of the guide here

To start with, we need a struct to be the root of our app.

pub struct Hello;

We need to implement Default so that Crux can construct the app for us.

To turn it into an app, we need to implement the App trait from the crux_core crate.

use crux_core::App;

pub struct Model;

impl App for Hello {}

If you're following along, the compiler is now screaming at you that you're missing four associated types for the trait: Event, Model, ViewModel and Capabilities.

Capabilities is the more complicated of them, and to understand what it does, we need to talk about what makes Crux different from most UI frameworks.

Side-effects and capabilities

One of the key design choices in Crux is that the Core is free of side-effects (besides its internal state). Your application can never perform anything that directly interacts with the environment around it - no network calls, no reading/writing files, and (somewhat obviously) not even updating the screen. Actually doing all those things is the job of the Shell, the core can only ask for them to be done.

This makes the core portable between platforms, and, importantly, really easy to test. It also separates the intent, the "functional" requirements, from the implementation of the side-effects and the "non-functional" requirements (NFRs). For example, your application knows it wants to store data in a SQL database, but it doesn't need to know or care whether that database is local or remote. That decision can even change as the application evolves, and be different on each platform. If you want to understand this better before we carry on, you can read a lot more about how side-effects work in Crux in the chapter on capabilities.

To ask the Shell for side effects, it will need to know what side effects it needs to handle, so we will need to declare them (as an enum). Effects are simply messages describing what should happen, and for more complex side-effects (e.g. HTTP), they would be too unwieldy to create by hand, so to help us create them, Crux provides capabilities - reusable libraries which give us a nice API for requesting side-effects. We'll look at them in a lot more detail later.

Let's start with the basics:

use crux_core::render::Render;

pub struct Capabilities {
    render: Render<Event>,

As you can see, for now, we will use a single capability, Render, which is built into Crux and available from the crux_core crate. It simply tells the shell to update the screen using the latest information.

That means the core can produce a single Effect. It will soon be more than one, so we'll wrap it in an enum to give ourselves space. The Effect enum corresponds one to one to the Capabilities we're using, and rather than typing it (and its associated trait implementations) by hand and open ourselves to unnecessary mistakes, we can use the crux_core::macros::Effect derive macro.

use crux_core::render::Render;
use crux_core::macros::Effect;

pub struct Capabilities {
    render: Render<Event>,

Other than the derive itself, we also need to link the effect to our app. We'll go into the detail of why that is in the Capabilities section, but the basic reason is that capabilities need to be able to send the app the outcomes of their work.

You probably also noticed the Event type which capabilities are generic over, because they need to know the type which defines messages they can send back to the app. The same type is also used by the Shell to forward any user interactions to the Core, and in order to pass across the FFI boundary, it needs to be serializable. The resulting code will end up looking like this:

use crux_core::{render::Render, App};
use crux_core::macros::Effect;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[cfg_attr(feature = "typegen", derive(crux_core::macros::Export))]
pub struct Capabilities {
    render: Render<Event>,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Event {
    None, // we can't instantiate an empty enum, so let's have a dummy variant for now

pub struct Hello;

impl App for Hello { ... }

In this example, we also invoke the Export derive macro, but only when the typegen feature is enabled — this is true in your shared_types library to generate the foreign types for the shell. For more detail see the Shared core and types guide.

Okay, that took a little bit of effort, but with this short detour out of the way and foundations in place, we can finally create an app and start implementing some behavior.

Implementing the App trait

We now have almost all the building blocks to implement the App trait. We're just missing two simple types. First, a Model to keep our app's state, it makes sense to make that a struct. It needs to implement Default, which gives us an opportunity to set up any initial state the app might need. Second, we need a ViewModel, which is a representation of what the user should see on screen. It might be tempting to represent the state and the view with the same type, but in more complicated cases it will be too constraining, and probably non-obvious what data are for internal bookkeeping and what should end up on screen, so Crux separates the concepts. Nothing stops you using the same type for both Model and ViewModel if your app is simple enough.

We'll start with a few simple types for events, model and view model.

Now we can finally implement the trait with its two methods, update and view.

use crux_core::{
    render::{render, Render},
    App, Command,
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Event {

pub struct Model;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ViewModel {
    data: String,

pub struct Capabilities {
    render: Render<Event>,

pub struct Hello;

impl App for Hello {
    type Event = Event;
    type Model = Model;
    type ViewModel = ViewModel;
    type Capabilities = Capabilities;
    type Effect = Effect;

    fn update(
        _event: Self::Event,
        _model: &mut Self::Model,
        _caps: &Self::Capabilities,
    ) -> Command<Effect, Event> {
        // we no longer use the capabilities directly, but they are passed in
        // until the migration to managed effects with `Command` is complete
        // (at which point the capabilities will be removed from the `update`
        // signature). Until then we delegate to our own `update` method so that
        // we can test the app without needing to use AppTester.
        self.update(_event, _model)

    fn view(&self, _model: &Self::Model) -> Self::ViewModel {
        ViewModel {
            data: "Hello World".to_string(),

impl Hello {
    // note: this function can be moved into the `App` trait implementation, above,
    // once the `App` trait has been updated (as the final part of the migration
    // to managed effects with `Command`).
    fn update(&self, _event: Event, _model: &mut Model) -> Command<Effect, Event> {

The update function is the heart of the app. It responds to events by (optionally) updating the state and requesting some effects by using the capability's APIs.

All our update function does is ignore all its arguments and ask the Shell to render the screen. It's a hello world after all.

The view function returns the representation of what we want the Shell to show on screen. And true to form, it returns an instance of the ViewModel struct containing Hello World!.

That's a working hello world done, lets try it. As we said at the beginning, for now we'll do it from tests. It may sound like a concession, but in fact, this is the intended way for apps to be developed with Crux - from inside out, with unit tests, focusing on behavior first and presentation later, roughly corresponding to doing the user experience first, then the visual design.

Here's our test:

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn hello_says_hello_world() {
        let hello = Hello::default();
        let mut model = Model;

        // Call 'update' and request effects
        let mut cmd = hello.update(Event::None, &mut model);

        // Check update asked us to `Render`

        // Make sure the view matches our expectations
        let actual_view = &hello.view(&model).data;
        let expected_view = "Hello World";
        assert_eq!(actual_view, expected_view);

It is a fairly underwhelming test, but it should pass (check with cargo test). The test uses a testing helper from crux_core::testing that lets us easily interact with the app, inspect the effects it requests and its state, without having to set up the machinery every time. It's not exactly complicated, but it's a fair amount of boiler plate code.

Counting up and down


You can find the full code for this part of the guide here

Let's make things more interesting and add some behaviour. We'll teach the app to count up and down. First, we'll need a model, which represents the state. We could just make our model a number, but we'll go with a struct instead, so that we can easily add more state later.

pub struct Model {
    count: isize,

We need Default implemented to define the initial state. For now we derive it, as our state is quite simple. We also update the app to show the current count:

impl App for Hello {
// ...

    type Model = Model;

// ...

    fn view(&self, model: &Self::Model) -> Self::ViewModel {
        ViewModel {
            count: format!("Count is: {}", model.count),

We'll also need a simple ViewModel struct to hold the data that the Shell will render.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ViewModel {
    count: String,

Great. All that's left is adding the behaviour. That's where Event comes in:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Event {

The event type covers all the possible events the app can respond to. "Will that not get massive really quickly??" I hear you ask. Don't worry about that, there is a nice way to make this scale and get reuse as well. Let's carry on. We need to actually handle those messages.

impl App for Counter {
    type Event = Event;
    type Model = Model;
    type ViewModel = ViewModel;
    type Capabilities = Capabilities;
    type Effect = Effect;

    fn update(
        event: Self::Event,
        model: &mut Self::Model,
        _caps: &Self::Capabilities,
    ) -> Command<Effect, Event> {
        // we no longer use the capabilities directly, but they are passed in
        // until the migration to managed effects with `Command` is complete
        // (at which point the capabilities will be removed from the `update`
        // signature). Until then we delegate to our own `update` method so that
        // we can test the app without needing to use AppTester.
        self.update(event, model)

    fn view(&self, model: &Self::Model) -> Self::ViewModel {
        ViewModel {
            count: format!("Count is: {}", model.count),
// ...

Pretty straightforward, we just do what we're told, update the state, and then tell the Shell to render. Lets update the tests to check everything works as expected.

mod test {
    use super::*;
    use crux_core::assert_effect;

    fn renders() {
        let app = Counter::default();
        let mut model = Model::default();

        let mut cmd = app.update(Event::Reset, &mut model);

        // Check update asked us to `Render`
        assert_effect!(cmd, Effect::Render(_));

    fn shows_initial_count() {
        let app = Counter::default();
        let model = Model::default();

        let actual_view = app.view(&model).count;
        let expected_view = "Count is: 0";
        assert_eq!(actual_view, expected_view);

    fn increments_count() {
        let app = Counter::default();
        let mut model = Model::default();

        let mut cmd = app.update(Event::Increment, &mut model);

        let actual_view = app.view(&model).count;
        let expected_view = "Count is: 1";
        assert_eq!(actual_view, expected_view);

        // Check update asked us to `Render`
        assert_effect!(cmd, Effect::Render(_));

    fn decrements_count() {
        let app = Counter::default();
        let mut model = Model::default();

        let mut cmd = app.update(Event::Decrement, &mut model);

        let actual_view = app.view(&model).count;
        let expected_view = "Count is: -1";
        assert_eq!(actual_view, expected_view);

        // Check update asked us to `Render`
        assert_effect!(cmd, Effect::Render(_));

    fn resets_count() {
        let app = Counter::default();
        let mut model = Model::default();

        let _ = app.update(Event::Increment, &mut model);
        let _ = app.update(Event::Reset, &mut model);

        let actual_view = app.view(&model).count;
        let expected_view = "Count is: 0";
        assert_eq!(actual_view, expected_view);

    fn counts_up_and_down() {
        let app = Counter::default();
        let mut model = Model::default();

        let _ = app.update(Event::Increment, &mut model);
        let _ = app.update(Event::Reset, &mut model);
        let _ = app.update(Event::Decrement, &mut model);
        let _ = app.update(Event::Increment, &mut model);
        let _ = app.update(Event::Increment, &mut model);

        let actual_view = app.view(&model).count;
        let expected_view = "Count is: 1";
        assert_eq!(actual_view, expected_view);

Hopefully those all pass. We are now sure that when we build an actual UI for this, it will work, and we'll be able to focus on making it looking delightful.

In more complicated cases, it might be helpful to inspect the model directly. It's up to you to make the call of which one is more appropriate, in some sense it's the difference between black-box and white-box testing, so you should probably be doing both to get the confidence you need that your app is working.

Remote API

Before we dive into the thinking behind the architecture, let's add one more feature - a remote API call - to get a better feel for how side-effects and capabilities work.


You can find the full code for this part of the guide here

We'll add a simple integration with a counter API we've prepared at https://crux-counter.fly.dev. All it does is count up an down like our local counter. It supports three requests

  • GET / returns the current count
  • POST /inc increments the counter
  • POST /dec decrements the counter

All three API calls return the state of the counter in JSON, which looks something like this

  "value": 34,
  "updated_at": 1673265904973

We can represent that with a struct, and we'll need to update the model as well. We can use Serde for the serialization (deserializing updated_at from timestamp milliseconds to an option of DateTime using chrono).

We'll also update the count optimistically by keeping track of if/when the server confirmed it (there are other ways to model these semantics, but let's keep it straightforward for now).

use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use chrono::serde::ts_milliseconds_option::deserialize as ts_milliseconds_option;

#[derive(Default, Serialize)]
pub struct Model {
    count: Count,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Count {
    value: isize,
    #[serde(deserialize_with = "ts_milliseconds_option")]
    updated_at: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,

We also need to update the ViewModel and the view() function to display the new data.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ViewModel {
    pub text: String,
    pub confirmed: bool,


fn view(&self, model: &Self::Model) -> Self::ViewModel {
    let suffix = match model.count.updated_at {
        None => " (pending)".to_string(),
        Some(d) => format!(" ({d})"),

    Self::ViewModel {
        text: model.count.value.to_string() + &suffix,
        confirmed: model.count.updated_at.is_some(),

You can see that the view function caters to two states - the count has not yet been confirmed (updated_at is None), and having the count confirmed by the server.

In a real-world app, it's likely that this information would be captured in a struct rather than converted to string inside the core, so that the UI can decide how to present it. The date formatting, however, is an example of something you may want to do consistently across all platforms and keep inside the Core. When making these choices, think about whose decisions they are, and do they need to be consistent across platforms or flexible. You will no doubt get a number of those calls wrong, but that's ok, the type system is here to help you refactor later and update the shells to work with the changes.

We now have everything in place to update the update function. Let's start with thinking about the events. The API does not support resetting the counter, so that variant goes, but we need a new one to kick off fetching the current state of the counter. The Core itself can't autonomously start anything, it is always driven by the Shell, either by the user via the UI, or as a result of a side-effect.

That gives us the following update function, with some placeholders:

fn update(
        event: Self::Event,
        model: &mut Self::Model,
        _caps: &Self::Capabilities,
    ) -> Command<Effect, Event> {
    match event {
        Event::Get => {
            // TODO "GET /"
        Event::Set(_response) => {
            // TODO Get the data and update the model
        Event::Increment => {
            // optimistic update
            model.count.value += 1;
            model.count.updated_at = None;

            // real update
            // TODO "POST /inc"
        Event::Decrement => {
            // optimistic update
            model.count.value -= 1;
            model.count.updated_at = None;

            // real update
            // TODO "POST /dec"

To request the respective HTTP calls, we'll use crux_http the built-in HTTP client. Since this is the first capability we're using, some things won't be immediately clear, but we should get there by the end of this chapter.

The first thing to know is that the HTTP responses will be sent back to the update function as an event. That's what the Event::Set is for. The Event type looks as follows:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Event {
    // these variants are used by the Shell

    // this variant is private to the Core

We decorate the Set variant with #[serde(skip)] for two reasons: one, there's currently a technical limitation stopping us easily serializing crux_http::Response, and two, there's no reason that variant should ever be sent by the Shell across the FFI boundary, which is the reason for the need to serialize in the first place — in a way, it is private to the Core.

Finally, let's get rid of those TODOs. We'll need to add crux_http in the Capabilities type, so that the update function has access to it.


In the latest versions of crux_http (>= v0.11.0), this Capabilities type id being deprecated in favour of the new Command API (see the description of Managed Effects for more details).

use crux_http::Http;

pub struct Capabilities {
    pub http: Http<Event>,
    pub render: Render<Event>,

This may seem like needless boilerplate, but it allows us to only use the capabilities we need and, more importantly, allow capabilities to be built by anyone. Later on, we'll also see that Crux apps compose, relying on each app's Capabilities type to declare its needs, and making sure the necessary capabilities exist in the parent app.

We can now implement those TODOs, so lets do it. We're using the latest Command API and so the update function will return a Command that has been created by the crux_http and render capabilities (rather than using the caps parameter in the method signature):

const API_URL: &str = "https://crux-counter.fly.dev";


fn update(
        event: Self::Event,
        model: &mut Self::Model,
        _caps: &Self::Capabilities,
    ) -> Command<Effect, Event> {        match event {
            Event::Get => Http::get(API_URL)
            Event::Set(Ok(mut response)) => {
                let count = response.take_body().unwrap();
                model.count = count;
            Event::Set(Err(_)) => {
                panic!("Oh no something went wrong");
            Event::Increment => {
                // optimistic update
                model.count = Count {
                    value: model.count.value + 1,
                    updated_at: None,

                let call_api = {
                    let base = Url::parse(API_URL).unwrap();
                    let url = base.join("/inc").unwrap();

            Event::Decrement => {
                // optimistic update
                model.count = Count {
                    value: model.count.value - 1,
                    updated_at: None,

                let call_api = {
                    let base = Url::parse(API_URL).unwrap();
                    let url = base.join("/dec").unwrap();


There's a few things of note. The first one is that the .then_send API at the end of each chain of calls to crux_http expects a function that wraps its argument (a Result of a http response) in a variant of Event. Fortunately, enum tuple variants create just such a function, and we can use it. The way to read the call is "Send a get request, parse the response as JSON, which should be deserialized as a Count, and then call me again with Event::Set carrying the result". Interestingly, we didn't need to specifically mention the Count type, as the type inference from the Event::Set variant is enough, making it really easy to read.

The other thing of note is that the Commands don't block. They queue up requests to send to the shell and execution continues immediately. The requests will be sent in the order they were queued and the asynchronous execution is the job of the shell.

You can find the the complete example, including the tests and shell implementations in the Crux repo. It's interesting to take a closer look at the unit tests:


These tests are taken from the Counter example implementation where we delegate to our own update function that does not take the Capabilities parameter, allowing us to test the app directly, without having to rely on the AppTester.

    /// Test that a `Get` event causes the app to fetch the current
    /// counter value from the web API
    fn get_counter() {
        let app = App::default();
        let mut model = Model::default();

        // send a `Get` event to the app
        let mut cmd = app.update(Event::Get, &mut model);

        // the app should emit an HTTP request to fetch the counter
        let mut request = cmd.effects().next().unwrap().expect_http();

        // and the request should be a GET to the correct URL

        // resolve the request with a simulated response from the web API
                    .body(r#"{ "value": 1, "updated_at": 1672531200000 }"#)

        // the app should emit a `Set` event with the HTTP response
        let actual = cmd.events().next().unwrap();
        let expected = Event::Set(Ok(ResponseBuilder::ok()
            .body(Count {
                value: 1,
                updated_at: Some(Utc.with_ymd_and_hms(2023, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).unwrap()),
        assert_eq!(actual, expected);

        // send the `Set` event back to the app
        let mut cmd = app.update(actual, &mut model);

        // this should generate an `Update` event
        let event = cmd.events().next().unwrap();
            Event::Update(Count {
                value: 1,
                updated_at: Some(Utc.with_ymd_and_hms(2023, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).unwrap()),

        // send the `Update` event back to the app
        let mut cmd = app.update(event, &mut model);

        // the model should be updated
            Count {
                value: 1,
                updated_at: Some(Utc.with_ymd_and_hms(2023, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).unwrap()),

        // the app should ask the shell to render
        assert_effect!(cmd, Effect::Render(_));

        // the view should be updated
        let view = app.view(&model);
        assert_eq!(view.text, "1 (2023-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)");
        assert_eq!(view.confirmed, true);

For bigger Model or ViewModel structs, it may be easier to assert their correctness with insta. If you don't know it already, check it out. The really cool thing is that if the test fails, it shows you a diff of the actual and expected output, and if you're happy with the new output, you can accept the change (or not) by running cargo insta review — it will update the code for you to reflect the change. It's a really nice way to do snapshot testing, especially for the model and view model.

You can see how easy it is to check that the app is requesting the right side effects, with the right arguments, and even test a chain of interactions and make sure the behavior is correct, all without mocking or stubbing anything or worrying about async code.

In the next chapter, we can put the example into perspective and discuss the architecture it follows, inspired by Elm.