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//! Cross-platform app development in Rust
//! Crux helps you share your app's business logic and behavior across mobile (iOS and Android) and web,
//! as a single, reusable core built with Rust.
//! Unlike React Native, the user interface layer is built natively, with modern declarative UI frameworks
//! such as Swift UI, Jetpack Compose and React/Vue or a WASM based framework on the web.
//! The UI layer is as thin as it can be, and all other work is done by the shared core.
//! The interface with the core has static type checking across languages.
//! ## Getting Started
//! Crux applications are split into two parts: a Core written in Rust and a Shell written in the platform
//! native language (e.g. Swift or Kotlin). It is also possible to use Crux from Rust shells.
//! The Core architecture is based on [Elm architecture](
//! Quick glossary of terms to help you follow the example:
//! * Core - the shared core written in Rust
//! * Shell - the native side of the app on each platform handling UI and executing side effects
//! * App - the main module of the core containing the application logic, especially model changes
//! and side-effects triggered by events. App can be composed from modules, each resembling a smaller, simpler app.
//! * Event - main input for the core, typically triggered by user interaction in the UI
//! * Model - data structure (typically tree-like) holding the entire application state
//! * View model - data structure describing the current state of the user interface
//! * Effect - A side-effect the core can request from the shell. This is typically a form of I/O or similar
//! interaction with the host platform. Updating the UI is considered an effect.
//! * Capability - A user-friendly API used to request effects and provide events that should be dispatched
//! when the effect is completed. For example, a HTTP client is a capability.
//! Below is a minimal example of a Crux-based application Core:
//! ```rust
//!// src/
//!use crux_core::{render::{self, Render}, App, macros::Effect, Command};
//!use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
//!// Model describing the application state
//!struct Model {
//! count: isize,
//!// Event describing the actions that can be taken
//!#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
//!pub enum Event {
//! Increment,
//! Decrement,
//! Reset,
//!// Capabilities listing the side effects the Core
//!// will use to request side effects from the Shell
//!#[cfg_attr(feature = "typegen", derive(crux_core::macros::Export))]
//!pub struct Capabilities {
//! pub render: Render<Event>,
//!struct Hello;
//!impl App for Hello {
//! // Use the above Event
//! type Event = Event;
//! // Use the above Model
//! type Model = Model;
//! type ViewModel = String;
//! // Use the above Capabilities
//! type Capabilities = Capabilities;
//! // Use the above generated Effect
//! type Effect = Effect;
//! fn update(&self, event: Event, model: &mut Model, caps: &Capabilities) -> Command<Effect, Event> {
//! match event {
//! Event::Increment => model.count += 1,
//! Event::Decrement => model.count -= 1,
//! Event::Reset => model.count = 0,
//! };
//! // Request a UI update
//! render::render()
//! }
//! fn view(&self, model: &Model) -> Self::ViewModel {
//! format!("Count is: {}", model.count)
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Integrating with a Shell
//! To use the application in a user interface shell, you need to expose the core interface for FFI.
//! This "plumbing" will likely be simplified with macros in the future versions of Crux.
//! ```rust,ignore
//! // src/
//! pub mod app;
//! use lazy_static::lazy_static;
//! use wasm_bindgen::prelude::wasm_bindgen;
//! pub use crux_core::bridge::{Bridge, Request};
//! pub use crux_core::Core;
//! pub use crux_http as http;
//! pub use app::*;
//! uniffi_macros::include_scaffolding!("hello");
//! lazy_static! {
//! static ref CORE: Bridge<Effect, App> = Bridge::new(Core::new::<Capabilities>());
//! }
//! #[wasm_bindgen]
//! pub fn process_event(data: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
//! CORE.process_event(data)
//! }
//! #[wasm_bindgen]
//! pub fn handle_response(id: u32, data: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
//! CORE.handle_response(id, data)
//! }
//! #[wasm_bindgen]
//! pub fn view() -> Vec<u8> {
//! CORE.view()
//! }
//! ```
//! You will also need a `hello.udl` file describing the foreign function interface:
//! ```ignore
//! // src/hello.udl
//! namespace hello {
//! sequence<u8> process_event([ByRef] sequence<u8> msg);
//! sequence<u8> handle_response([ByRef] sequence<u8> res);
//! sequence<u8> view();
//! };
//! ```
//! Finally, you will need to set up the type generation for the `Model`, `Message` and `ViewModel` types.
//! See [typegen] for details.
pub mod bridge;
pub mod capability;
pub mod testing;
#[cfg(feature = "typegen")]
pub mod typegen;
mod capabilities;
mod command;
mod core;
use serde::Serialize;
pub use self::{
capability::{Capability, WithContext},
core::{Core, Effect, Request},
pub use crux_macros as macros;
/// Implement [`App`] on your type to make it into a Crux app. Use your type implementing [`App`]
/// as the type argument to [`Core`] or [`Bridge`](bridge::Bridge).
pub trait App: Default {
/// Event, typically an `enum`, defines the actions that can be taken to update the application state.
type Event: Unpin + Send + 'static;
/// Model, typically a `struct` defines the internal state of the application
type Model: Default;
/// ViewModel, typically a `struct` describes the user interface that should be
/// displayed to the user
type ViewModel: Serialize;
/// Capabilities, typically a `struct`, lists the capabilities used by this application
/// Typically, Capabilities should contain at least an instance of the built-in [`Render`](crate::render::Render) capability.
type Capabilities;
/// Effect, the enum carrying effect requests created by capabilities.
/// Normally this type is derived from `Capabilities` using the `crux_macros::Effect` derive macro
type Effect: Effect + Unpin;
/// Update method defines the transition from one `model` state to another in response to an `event`.
/// `update` may mutate the `model` and returns a [`Command`](crate::command::Command) describing
/// the managed side-effects to perform as a result of the `event`. Commands can be constructed by capabilities
/// and combined to run sequentially or concurrently. If migrating from previous version of crux, you
/// can return `Command::done()` for compatibility.
/// For backwards compatibility, `update` may also use the capabilities provided by the `caps` argument
/// to instruct the shell to perform side-effects. The side-effects will run concurrently (capability
/// calls behave the same as go routines in Go or Promises in JavaScript) with each other and any
/// effects captured by the returned `Command`. Capability calls don't return anything, but may
/// take a `callback` event which should be dispatched when the effect completes.
/// Typically, `update` should call at least [`Render::render`](crate::render::Render::render).
fn update(
event: Self::Event,
model: &mut Self::Model,
caps: &Self::Capabilities,
) -> Command<Self::Effect, Self::Event>;
/// View method is used by the Shell to request the current state of the user interface
fn view(&self, model: &Self::Model) -> Self::ViewModel;